GoldMemory*Thorough Stand-alone Memory Test for PC memory subsystem
(c) 1993 - 2008 Michal Tulacek

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User's Guide

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NOTE: This User's Guide is "temporary version"
The GoldMemory is a diagnostic utility enabling thoroughly testing mistakeless functions of memory subsystem of PC on process architecture x86 basis. Special algorithms are used, which are very effective and do not directly depend on actual type of memories or chipset used. These algorithms simulate very complicated operations connected with intensive use of the whole memory subsystem. Separate modifications of algorithms mentioned are able to detect errors which appear as result of wrong function of hardware - wrong memory modules,motherboard,cache memory,chipset,CPU. These tests are also able to detect possible mutual noncompatibility of mentioned components or errors based on the wrong parameters setting memory subsystem (setting chipset set in BIOS SETUP). Set of separate tests are used which are consecutive operated in one cycle. Number of testing cycles is not limited. It is necessary to operate at least one complete testing cycle in order to check function of memory subsystem reliably. This guarantees that all separate tests of the whole cycle are operated consecutively. It is necessary to let to operate a number of consecutive cycles (e.g. overnight) for to detect accidental errors appearing irregularly in the time. Working temperature of tested hardware components will be stabilized after some time during testing and therefore it will be possible to detect errors caused by temperature changes or by non-stable power supply in case of very intensive loading.

Time necessary for passing complete cycle depends on CPU, chipset type, memory size/type,etc. Testing modes offered by GoldMemory program are then as follows: QUICK MODE: (GM.EXE /Q) The used algorithm uses only 32-bit access to memory and works with 32-bit pattern only. This mode requires less time for complete cycle in comparison to other modes and it is designated above all for quick testing in cases, when it is necessary to verify errorless function of memory subsystem in the shortest time. One complete cycle is enough to this purpose. Another possibility of use of this mode requires providing more subsequent cycles. This enables to improve effectivity of algorithm, which is able to detect errors caused by overheating or by very intensive use of memory, when many data blocks are transferred. NORMAL MODE: (GM EXE /N) THOROUGH MODE: (GM EXE /T) The used algorithm(s) uses consecutively 32-bit and 8-bit access to memory and works with 32-bit, 16-bit and 8-bit patterns. Normal/Thorough mode needs more time, because there is more tests operated and memory work slowlier due to 8-bit and 16-bit accesses are slowlier. It is necessary to operate at least one complete cycle. For more thorough verifying errorless function of memory subsystem it is recommended to let the program to operate at least two subsequent cycles in normal mode. However, such testing is very time-consuming.

GoldMemory program is not able to determine the wrong part of memory subsystem exactly. Parts of memory subsystem are not tested separately but as an unit, because mutual cooperation is tested, too. Some knowledge of problem can be concluded from, e.g.: errors were found immediately or after some time or in connecting with number of errors or if errors appear on the same addresses of memory repeatedly or casually...etc. It is no mistake, when errors are found only during some of many repeated tests or when there are different results of tests in separate cycles. It can be caused by: 1) Random errors found by GoldMemory in given moment or used operations in memory are all right. 2) Goldmemory generates new testing patterns in every new cycle and therefore all tests and cycles are different. Based on above mentioned reasons it is recommended to use longer time repeating more cycles in testing memory subsystem. Therefore it is impossible to compare separate testing cycles on internal tests. In addition internal tests leave different algorithms. If GoldMemory program freezes just after start or after some time, it can be caused by wrong motherboard or by wrong chipset/cache. Found errors (or something) else cannot be caused by incompatibility GoldMemory program and tested hardware, because GoldMemory uses error detection algorithms independent on hardware. Problem can only be, when GoldMemory detects incorrect memory size (incompatibility of BIOS) and then wants to write or to read non-existing memory addresses. In some cases this situation can be distinguished, because errors appear on adjacent addresses. In this situation the GoldMemory can be finished and error report of the following type can appear: "Error! General protection fault, etc." This report is also indicated in case of many errors in memory subsystem tested, when code of GoldMemory program in operation memory is damaged. Program tested can also "freeze" or restarted spontaneously. In such cases it is recommended to try to use parameter /D for starting. This parameter sets function for automatic finding installed memory size without use of BIOS. Errors found can be caused by the following reasons: 1) Defective operation memory (memory modules, temperature instability) 2) Defective cache memory (external cache) 3) Defective motherboard (damaged memory slots,chipset,defective power supply, temperature instability) 4) Processor (internal cache,input-output circuits,temperature instability) 5) Wrong setting memory subsystem parameters in BIOS or overclocking In above mentioned cases is usable to take the following measures: a) To check setting memory subsystem parameters in BIOS and if possible, set values recommended by producer according to relevant manual or to use standard setting for instabled memory modules,system bus, CPU,...,etc. b) To check function cooling separate components (fan of CPU, power source) c) To check separately 2 or more memory modules instaled in order to isolate the defective one (or more) - the best procedure is checking in the first slot in motherboard. If no one is defective, it is due to their incompatibility in motherboard used (chipset). It is recommended to use memory modules of the same type made by one producer. d) To check "defective" memory modules once more in another motherboard (computer) for to exclude influence of motherboard,processor and cache memory.

Installation: For successful starting GoldMemory program it is suitable to use some of the following variants:

1) "Stand-alone" GoldMemory (recommended)

GoldMemory is a standalone program it does not require any operating system:

    a) GoldMemory booting diskette
    b) GoldMemory booting CDROM Both options uses the "GMLoader"

NOTE: File Reporting is DISABLED in these modes.

For these purposes there is installation (INSTALL.BAT) prepared, which creates starting floppy disc containing "GMLoader" system together with GoldMemory. Diskette image is: FLOPPY.IMG. Image of CDROM ISO is: CDROM.ISO 2) OS DOS compatible and GoldMemory GoldMemory program is able to be started only in environment compatible with DOS system. Direct access to hardware is necessary and therefore some drivers cannot be in operating memory (HIMEM.SYS,EMM386.EXE,etc.). Therefore it is not possible to start GoldMemory program in environment of Windows. Therefore GoldMemory program tests environment in which it is started and possible imperfections are reported by announcements of this type: "Extended driver detected!" or "Run this program in real DOS mode!". After such announcement it is possible to finish the GoldMemory program by pressing any key. Diagnostic programs designated for Windows are not able to test these parts of memory, which use Windows for itself and in addition, the whole power of computer is not available. Also therefore there is no GoldMemory program version for Windows, which would keep all unique properties. An option is "Emergency Mode DOS", which offers operation system Windows 9x. This mode can be chosen as one option of menu, which appears after pressing F8 key when starting Windows 9x. Then it is possible to start GoldMemory program from given place in required environment without inteference with other drivers or residentual programs. There is also other option: To create own system floppy disc in environment Windows 9x by means of relevant commands and subsequent to copy required files (GM.EXE...) on this floppy disc. After restarting computer and subsequent starting DOS from this floppy disc it is possible to start GoldMemory program by means of command: GM.EXE /N , GM.EXE /T or GM.EXE /Q. In some case it is not possible to use option mentioned or there is another operating system installed in computer (WinME,WinNT,W2K,XP,Linux,etc.), where option mentioned are not offered.

Minimum requirements for OS DOS:

  • CPU Intel i386 compatible an higher
  • 8MB RAM and more
  • DOS compatible system
  • direct access to HW (no drivers installed)

Command line parameters: GM.EXE [/Q] [/B] [/D] [/L] [/?]

    /Q - QUICK TEST (RECOMMENDED) /N - NORMAL TEST /T - THOROUGH TEST /B - Disable memory benchmark (*)
GoldMemory program also enables to calculate actual transferring speed of memory subsystem. Result of calculation gives number of MB transfered between CPU and operating memory per second (MB/s). By means of parameter /B (accessible in registered version of program only) it is possible to switch out this function.
    /D - parameter sets function for automatic finding installed memory size without using BIOS
If uncorrect installed memory size is found, it can be cansed by the wrong compatibility of BIOS of the tested PC and the program code of the GoldMemory. Then it is necessary to start GoldMemory program with /D parameter sets function for automatic finding installed memory size without using BIOS. In contrast to other programs values of tested patterns are not shown runningly, because it is not important for evalution of tests and in addition these values change continuously or there are blocks of special data.
    /L - one cycle only (*)
In registered version of program it is also possible to use parameter /L, which sets only one testing cycle and after finishing this cycle the program is automatically finished. On base conditions there is endless testing, when testing mode provides testing repeatingly. Testing must be finished by pressing ESC key.
    /? - help

(*) = registered version ONLY

SETUP Menu of program GoldMemory:

T: Select Testing Mode - testing mode: QUICK, NORMAL, THOROUGH C: Disable/Enable Continuous Testing M: Change Memory Size Detection Method (BIOS/Auto) B: Disable/Enable Memory Benchmark F: Disable/Enable File Reporting

During testing the following information are shown: 0:10:05 = elapsed time Pass Count 0 = serial number of just passing cycle Status = status of test/program (PASSED,FAILED,*SETUP*) *SETUP* - program setup PASSED - test passed/ or is passing/ satisfactorily without errors FAILED - unsuccessful test, one or more errors found Errors 0 = count of errors Test Mode = test mode: QUICK,NORMAL,THOROUGH Continuous Testing = endless testing Current Test = 142/369 actual internal test/number of all internal tests per cycle Memory Size = memory size detection method: BIOS,AUTO or tested memory size Benchmark = measuring transfer speed of memory subsystem Report File = GM.RPT, filename of protocol Date & Time = 03:24 11/23/2000 time and date of start of test When errors found, the following information are shown: 13:28:08/6 07564818 ---------------------x---------- 2696F2F2 2696F6F2 50 13:28:55/6 07564818 -----x---------- 838A 878A B0 15:52:37/7 07564818 ---------------------x---------- B8A62C29 B8A62829 50 18:33:37/8 07564818 ---------------------x---------- CDD60340 CDD60740 B2 30:19:21/13 07564818 ---------------------x---------- 03843A97 03843E97 50 30:32:37/13 07564819 -----x-- 3F 3B B1 32:43:49/14 07564818 ---------------------x---------- 333E298F 333E2D8F 50 40:01:59/17 07564819 -----x-- 12 16 B0 Explanations: example for 32-bit mode: 0:10:05/2 = elapsed time/serial number of just passing cycle 07564818 = hexadecimal designation of address of error place in memory ---------------------x---------- = 32-bit "graphic" desription of failling bit(s) 2696F2F2 = 32-bit hexadecimal value of written pattern 2696F6F2 = 32-bit hexadecimal value of read pattern 50 = type of internal sub-test These errors can cause unstability of operating system or other undesirable states of applications (blue screen of death /BSOD/ in Windows, "freezing" or spontaneous restarts of PC). It is also possible that GoldMemory finds errors, but operation system or application do not "fall" and it seems to be all right, or other similar diagnostic utilities find no error. It can be caused by fact that GoldMemory also simulates demanding and unexpected memory operations, which hardly appear in normal use of PC and therefore other programs are not able to detect errors of this kind. However, it is possible that such error is able to cause loss of data. Error found by means of GoldMemory means that tested memory system obviously failed. GoldMemory program creates detailed protocol on found errors. Information of course and results of testing are shown not only on monitor, but it is possible to file these information also in protocol file in order to use it later. This protocol contains time data of starting test, type of test, tested memory size,etc. These are also filed addresses of (eventually) found errors of tested memory subsystem. There are also information of wrong bits in tested data pattern and of internal type test that error was found by. Time of finding error is given, too. These time data are relative (indendent on system time of tested PC) and time is computed from the beginning of testing. All additional information on testing are inserted only if the program is regularly finished. PC cannot be reset or shut off before restoration of operation system. In case of incorect finish of programe the file (GM.RPT) is blank or incomplete.
GM.RPT Examples: 1) GoldMemory v6.92 PC Memory Diagnostic Tests (c) 1993,2007 MICHAL TULACEK --- Start of Report -------------------------------------------------------- Date & Time: 03/03/2007 00:03 Memory Size (BIOS): 511 MB , Memory SubSystem Benchmark: 1405 MB/s QUICK Test Mode Errors found: 0 Elapsed Time: 14:33:15 Pass Count: 99 TEST PASSED (No errors found) --- End of Report ---------------------------------------------------------- 2) GoldMemory v6.92 PC Memory Diagnostic Tests (c) 1993,2007 MICHAL TULACEK --- Start of Report -------------------------------------------------------- Date & Time: 03/03/2007 13:38 Memory Size (BIOS): 511 MB , Memory SubSystem Benchmark: 1558 MB/s QUICK Test Mode 0:04:13/0 17A9DF55 -------------------x------------ FC017C96 FC016C96 FF 0:04:13/0 17A1DF56 ---------------------------x---- CB6C9D54 CB6C9D44 FF 0:04:13/0 1789DF55 -----------------x-------------- 778BF31A 778BB31A FF 0:04:13/0 1781DF56 -------------------------x-x---- EE0C4F72 EE0C4F22 FF 0:04:13/0 1757DF56 ---------------------------x---- 6D13981E 6D13980E FF 0:04:14/0 16DFDF54 -----------x-------------------- 34980A43 34880A43 FF 0:04:14/0 16BFDF54 ---------x---------------------- 85F0DDAD 85B0DDAD FF 0:04:14/0 16B9DF55 -----------------x-------------- 6E06FB9D 6E06BB9D FF 0:04:18/0 16B7DF56 ---------------------------x---- 692E5BF8 692E5BE8 FF 0:04:18/0 1697DF56 -------------------------x------ F5786870 F5786830 FF etc... 0:06:09/0 166FDF54 ---------x---------------------- AEF0F8CC AEB0F8CC FF 0:06:10/0 1601DF56 -------------------------x------ AF0D72CB AF0D728B FF 0:06:10/0 15B1DF56 ---------------------------x---- 630BFA7C 630BFA6C FF 0:06:10/0 1557DF56 -------------------------x------ FE70A440 FE70A400 FF 0:06:10/0 14F7DF56 -------------------------x------ A27EC16B A27EC12B FF 0:06:10/0 14DFDF54 -----------x-------------------- 1AB03803 1AA03803 FF 0:06:15/0 1417DF56 ---------------------------x---- 4E875970 4E875960 FF 0:06:16/0 184604FF ----------------------------x--- 667A6339 667A6331 FF 0:06:16/0 1939A1A2 ------------x------------------- A4CF049C A4C7049C FF 0:06:17/0 1AA47F9C ----------------------------x--- 5D80D8CC 5D80D8C4 FF 0:06:17/0 1B136B0F ------------x------------------- 14884007 14804007 FF 0:06:17/0 1BF0B595 ----------------------------x--- 25D8C72E 25D8C726 FF Error Statistics: Test | 32-bit | 16-bit | 8-bit ============================================= 00FF | 119 | - | - ============================================= Errors found: 119 Elapsed Time: 0:08:27 Pass Count: 0 TEST FAILED --- End of Report ----------------------------------------------------------
SHAREWARE version is full-value version of program. Some of properties and functions offered by the registered program are not able to be used by this version. After starting the user is advised upon to fact, that after expiring trial period he is obliged to register the program or to terminate using it. This reminder lasts one minute before every beginning of testing and then the program continues. Registered user is informed of the new versions of GoldMemory program, if available. Registration is valid for all newer versions of program of the same type. Newer versions of program are sent (download link) on request by mail, which is given in registration data. Registered user is stated as licence owner in program and is able to use the program legally.

(c) 2021 Michal Tulacek